When explaining what Equine Assisted Learning is, I find it easier to start with what it isn’t.
EAL isn’t:
- Therapy.
- A quick fix.
- A horse-skills development experience. (Which isn’t to say you won’t pick up some horsemanship skills along the way!)
EAL is a unique approach with experiential learning, where clients are offered safe experiences with horses for the purpose of learning and expanding in:
- social and emotional skills
- personal development
- professional development (eg) leadership and team building
Who is EAL for?
EAL is a fast-growing modality across Australia and the globe that is benefiting people from all walks of life with all kinds of situations and circumstances. Including:
- NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) clients
- Children
- Adolescents
- Adults
The wisdom and guidance from horses can assist with:
- Greater understanding of self
- Grief and loss
- Mindfulness
- Relationship breakdown
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Drug and Alcohol addiction
- Depression and Anxiety
- School students struggling with school life
EAL is a unique social-emotional learning program lead by the horses. Through the I-Though Horse-Person-ship participants are guided back to the basics and focus on being in relationship with horses.